Lies women tell and the best ways to deal with it
Lies are things that are encountered at various aspects of our daily lives. Lies can diminish compassion
and tends to ruin healthy relationships. “Trust starts with truth and ends with truth.” In order to
establish trust, lies must be terminated in relationships. So, what are some of the common signs that
your woman is lying to you:
1. She answers questions with questions
Now, I giggle at this one because it’s even something
that we talk about in Ghana where, we say it’s a typical Ghanaian thing to answer your question
with a question. But this is a little beyond this thing that has become a cultural joke amongst
Ghanaians. When someone is lying usually, they find ways to deflect telling you the truth, to
deflect your intense gaze, to deflect your important question, to water it down and that kind of
thing. The first thing that they tend to do is, to respond to your question with a question. A
simple question like ‘where were you last night’ will get an answer like ‘what makes you think I
was anywhere else’ instead of them actually telling you where exactly they were. Such tactics
are usually used to delay and give themselves time to think about an appropriate answer to give
you. Trust me something as little as six seconds, could be enough time for anyone to cook up a
lie. This typically happens when you take the person by surprise and they weren’t expecting that
question that you just asked. They would answer your question with a question.
2. They give you vague answers
You pose a simple question to them. A question as simple as,
once again, ‘who were you with last night’? Instead of them mentioning the person’s name, they
say a friend. Meanwhile, you most likely know this friend that they were hanging out with. So
why is it so difficult for them not to just mention this person‘s name. I mean, it’s different if this
is a friend you actually do not know anything about; a friend you’ve never met, probably never
even heard of. Then, it makes sense to say your friend and even at that point when they
respond a friend, it should quickly follow up with, my friend’s name is say David or John or Jesse
whatever the name is. When they try to go vague with you, once again, it’s their own way of
sort of buying time to think through an appropriate answer to give you. And get this, when
someone offers you very few details or barely anything at all, it’s because they really do not
want you to know what’s going on or what happened. Giving vague answers is almost like
pouring fuel on the flame. It’s only going to elicit your partner to ask even more questions. If you
give vague answers it is very obvious that you’re withholding information that you know your
partner may not necessarily like, if they found out.
3. They take time to respond
This typically happens when they’re not in front of you. It could be a
message that was sent via text to query them or find out where they are and what they’re up to,
because something generally fell off to you and you need an answers and it takes them a
significant time to get back to you. There are people who would even push the envelope a little
bit and not respond to you at all and come back home and make it seem like ‘Why are you
always asking me questions? Why don’t you trust me?’ Meanwhile they have used the last half
hour or 1 and 1/2 hours to think through exactly what they are going to say to you, to defuse
the situation. Simple questions to your wife or girlfriend should not be something that will take
one hour or more to refer to revert on. It is different if she never saw your message. But
sometimes you’re able to tell that she’s actually read the message but just chose to ignore you.
4. Look at their body language:
Usually when people are lying to you, they can’t look you in the
eye. They blink almost as if to, shut out that lie at the point that they say it. And really if you look
at it, their bodies begin to show signs of stress. Be observant! Nonverbal cues usually speak the
loudest. They might blink more often; they might put their hands in their pockets, across their
arms; which is a defensive position or stance when it comes to body language. If you know
anything about it and things like that. So, really pay attention to things that just seem a little off
and a little unusual. It’s usually a sign that whatever they’re saying to you is untrue and they’re
just trying to distract themselves long enough, to believe the lie that they just told you as well.
If you want more tips, click this link or check out this video below.